Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blog Post Number Two

YouTube  (ˈjuːˌtjuːb)
1.     Trademark a website on which subscribers can post video files

YouTube has now made it into the online dictionary. The function of YouTube is overall pretty simple. Anyone with an account can easily upload videos to this website for family, friends, or everyone to see. Depending on the person would depend on how YouTube impacts ones lie. When it comes to talking about me I am almost never on YouTube; unlike my friends who get their daily entertainment from it. The only time I get on YouTube is when there is a music video I want to look up to post to my friends Facebook. As a certified "Gleek" I also enjoy looking up my favorite songs from past episodes when ever I want to.
            I do not have a YouTube channel or account. I see no need for me to have a channel because I have nothing to post on YouTube or anything I would want to put out there like that. I do not even post statuses on Facebook daily so I do not think I would post videos too often. My parents however do have an account. The only reason my parents have one is for when my Dad was deployed. My brother was a huge wrestler so it made it easy for my Dad to still is apart of his wrestling by watching the matches on YouTube and then emailing my brother about what he could do differently next time.
            What is posted on YouTube could alter someone’s life drastically. It could be possible that it could help a person’s life or hurt it. The newest pop trend seems to be pop singer Justin Bieber. After he was founded on YouTube his career skyrocketed because of the talent he had. Antoine Dodson however, got fame in a different light. His fame came when people made fun of his appearance on the local news channel in Huntsville, Alabama. YouTube viewers then decided to poke fun at it by putting a remix to it and turn it into the “Bed Intruder Song.” When people post things about themselves they must be careful and notice whether or not it could hurt them. It was said in “The YouTube Reader” written by Pelle Snickers and Patrick Vonderau, “every self is bound to an exterior, which it addresses and in which it is reflected.” (187) If you are posting things on the Internet then you must be aware that it will reflect you well.
            I read in “Video Vortex Reader: Responses to YouTube” that statistics show “that people increasingly get their information and media from social media sites.” (34) This would include YouTube. When I miss an interview I wanted to watch on the Today Show. When I miss an interview on a show or a commercial I was told to watch by a friend I can very easily look it up on YouTube.
            Even though I do not use YouTube like I do other websites such as Facebook or Pandora, it is still nice to have as an option if needed. YouTube is just another way that social media has be altered and it was definitely for the better.


  1. I don't use YouTube often either, but I agree it is nice to have it available when you need it.

  2. I LOVE GLEE!!!! like that video just made my entire day!! i havent really thought about the fact that youtube is now in the dictionary! that was a really good point that you made and just goes to show how easily things can be changed these days!
